Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 2 Post

 This week, since we have free- reign as to the topic, and this is a tech course, I'd post a review of the Kindle. (A kindle is like a computer/book in one.)

  It is, in my opinion, the best thing for the reading world since the invention of the printing press. As many books as you could want (the one I have can hold 1500), which you can buy, store, and carry around with you- while taking up no more space than the average paperback. It costs around $150 (I got mine as a birthday gift - so I don't recall the exact price)- but I think it's worth it. (If I hadn't been given one first, I would have bought my own at the first opprotunity.
(Also, as you can load free 'samples' of books- usually in the form of the first few chapters, for FREE, it's a very convenieant way to expand into new genres of books. )
   It's well worth looking into, believe me.

1 comment:

  1. e-readers have exploded in popularity recently, haven't they? I have started looking into the various readers on the market, and although I'm tempted, I have mixed feelings at the moment; not so much because of the technology as the Digital Right Management/proprietary software issues. I have issues with buying a Kindle and thus being limited to Amazon's collections, ditto iPad and the Apple Bookstore. I didn't know about Amazon's preview service though, I can see that being very useful, as you say.
