Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 2 Post

 This week, since we have free- reign as to the topic, and this is a tech course, I'd post a review of the Kindle. (A kindle is like a computer/book in one.)

  It is, in my opinion, the best thing for the reading world since the invention of the printing press. As many books as you could want (the one I have can hold 1500), which you can buy, store, and carry around with you- while taking up no more space than the average paperback. It costs around $150 (I got mine as a birthday gift - so I don't recall the exact price)- but I think it's worth it. (If I hadn't been given one first, I would have bought my own at the first opprotunity.
(Also, as you can load free 'samples' of books- usually in the form of the first few chapters, for FREE, it's a very convenieant way to expand into new genres of books. )
   It's well worth looking into, believe me.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 1 Post

    For some reason, I had a hard time setting up this blog. First I couldn't get my page URL to connect to the page, followed by several instances of writers' block - this is my 4th or 5th time trying to post something, and second of actually being able to decide what I wanted to actually post. I've still been unable to figure out how to use / find the RSS- feed on this page, or if it offers that service. Hopefully, I'll be able to learn abit more about blogging - while I've visited plenty of blogs online, this is my first time 'managing one.

Why I set up this blog.

The main reason I set up this blog, is that it's an asignment for one of the university courses that I'm taking now. I'm not sure where it'll go after I finish the course, but that's what most of my posts will be about for the next 12 weeks that I'm in this course- figured I'd explain that at the start.